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Platform for next-generation technology development

Toward the World


Fostering leaders in the semiconductor industry

Talented Workforce Advancement


To achieve new devices/new materials/next-generation fabs

Advanced Research and Development


With Equal Partnerships

From the Entire Semiconductor Industry


Contributing to the future semiconductor industry

Creating New Values



Yoshiyuki Fujishiro

 The Setouchi Semiconductor Co-Creation Consortium was established for the purpose of lending-edge research development and advanced human resources related to semiconductors. We are expanding our support in collaboration with Hiroshima Prefecture, Higashi-Hiroshima City, and have begun activities with supporting companies across the country centered on Research Institute for Nanodevice of Hiroshima University.

The Setouchi area is home to semiconductor research, manufacturing, and supply chains. Therefore, it is one of the few areas where goods, information, and people gather. On the other hand, from a global perspective, the sad reality is that the core regions of the semiconductor industry are now the United States, Taiwan, China and not Japan.

In this consortium, we will not only focus on the local area, but also will conduct our activities based on global standards looking out at the world from the window of Research Institute for Nanodevice. Furthermore, we would like to cultivate many world-class engineers and create innovations that will astonish the world from here in Setouchi.

Chairman of the steering committee

Akinobu Teramoto

 Setouchi Semiconductor Co-creation Consortium is being operated through the cooperation of industry, government, and academia, centered around Hiroshima University. It includes Hiroshima Prefecture, Higashi-Hiroshima City, 19 private companies as regular members, and the Chugoku Bureau of Economy, Trade, and Industry as a special member.

In this consortium by cooperating with companies covering the entire semiconductor industry along with the nation, local governments, and universities, we aspire to contribute to the entire semiconductor industry. Japan is one of the few countries where companies from almost every field that form the supply chain can gather, and by playing a central role.

We aim to develop advanced human resources with knowledge across the entire semiconductor industry, including not only graduate students who will participate in projects, but also young human resources from companies.

Finally, all supply chain will conduct joint research based on the concept of equal partnership, striving for overall optimization that includes other industries.



An interview with Director Teramoto was published in the Electronic Device Industry Newspaper.


The 2024 CMOS Advanced Course (3rd to 5th sessions) was held.


[Co-organized by the Setouchi Semiconductor Consortium] The International Nanodevice Technology Workshop 2024 was held.

About consortium

Various projects and activities

Educational contents





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